Oh my heart

Oh my heart, what a shifty beast you are..
While my heart is sick and aches to be consoled, I am guided by wisdom, carefully and delicately guided, around what I long for. What I ache for.

Wisdom cries out and my heart curses her.
Wisdom speaks and my heart recoils.
Why?? WHY??? Why can the two not be reconciled?

My heart and my flesh may fail, this I can guarantee. They have failed me over and over and over again.

I find myself sinking into despair and wisdom calls from the wind "REACH OUT! DON'T SINK! GET OUT! CALL SOMEONE!" But my heart, deceitful above all things, lures me in.

"come... sit. stay. be comforted. embrace dark sadness. drink deep of despair..." It's desirable to me. I want to go into the warm muddy swamp and let myself sink low, but wisdom reaches out.

"STOP! You don't belong there, love! You are a treasure, you are royalty! Come away! Seek your True Love and find rest!"

I'm conflicted. There is a war in my soul, and yet the Lord in His kindness, speaks. People come out of the woodwork to speak life to me and I hear the voice of God. He speaks and I'm awakened to love. In Him there is no fear. No confusion. No hopelessness. I do not belong in the swamp of despair, He is my safe place. He collects all my tears in bottles in His treasury because they matter to Him, every single one.

I am His and He is mine. This is where I belong.



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