
It comes from the Greek language 
Together living
The long term relationship 
between two species. 

I read the word this morning in relation to a mother and her baby. Their relationship was fluid, dependent, constant. The baby's perception is that he and his mama are one and the same. 

This is where I am with the Lord. He and I are one. We are moving in one fluid motion. I am in Him and He is in me. We are one.

What's incredible about this is that there is no room for fear or anxiety or doubt. I feel it and I recognize that it is not from God. If God is sovereign, which He is, and if He is in control of everything that comes in and out of my life, which He is, than what should I fear? Why should I worry? What purpose is there in doubt? 

He knows me. 
He knows every detail of my life. 
He knows the number of my days, 
He wrote every one before my life began. 

I'm moving in love. 
I'm surrounded by love.
His yoke is easy.
His burden is light.
I am not alone.


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