
Countdown to Thanksmas, right?

Yesterday we were looking at the calendar, considering that it falls on a Sunday, and all the sudden the camp is split. 

Thanksmas may very well be the most anticipated day of the entire year for everyone in my family. I mean, it's intense. We all love it so much. But it's on Sunday, see... and I love going to church. I look forward to it. I adore it. I'm crazy about going to church. It's not because of the music or the preaching or the class content, although these things bless my soul every single week. It's the people.

It's the people, people!
(People that don't need people numb their lives with lemon flavored vodka.)

I'm in. I'm finally so in that if I disappeared people would chase me down. I have connections to people that live in my town, that look for me, that hope I will sit by them, that anticipate me coming to stuff. I get texts when there's something going on because someone wants to see me. And here's the kicker, I plan on going to things because I WANT TO SEE PEOPLE!!! It's a crazy phenomenon, I'm connected. So much so that I am really considering taking a time out from Thanksmas to go to church... 

I'm so thankful for this awakening that has enabled me to value things that I took for granted. ❤️ The Lord is good and His love never fails.



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