
When we first moved back to Missouri
We visited a few churches
Before settling in.
My kids were happy to visit the kids' programs
In each new place.
As always, they are fearless.

At one very prominent, high-tech,
Well-attended assembly, the kids church was
Off the hook.
They a play place
an arcade,
Everything was awesome.

I sent my three older kids
confident that they would have a great time.
After church they wove for me this incredible tale that has brought me
laughter and tears for years, when I retell the story.

In an effort to make the kids feel special and help them to infiltrate the ranks,
The leaders gave each new child an opportunity to stand on the stage and speak into the mic.

Micah first.
"Hi Micah! If you had one superpower, what would it be?"
In his sweet little 9 year old voice he said, "Invisibility."
"Same question, Jasmine!"
"To control the weather."
"And Tre?"
"The glow..."

Wait... no one wants to fly? No laser beams from eyes? No infinite wishes?

To control the weather.
The glow.
They are geniuses. They know things we don't know. They may already be superheros.
The next time you see me, please ask to hear this story from my children's perspective. It's so funny.

I started writing this post months ago.
I felt invisible. In a household of 11 and busyness and people all around me, Everyone needed me but no on saw me.
I was invisible.
It wasn't a superpower, it was a curse.
No one saw me or heard me.
It was painful.

Since then, my heart has been taken captive by a loving, immanent God.
He sees me.
He hears me.
He knows me.
He knows when I rise and when I fall.
   when I come or go He sees it all
    He hung the stars and moves the sea
      And He knows me.
Every single thing about me.
And He loves me intimately.
I'm content to be invisible in this life
as long as He sees me.

*adaptation from You Know Me by Bethel Music
Photo credit to


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