Who are you

Who are you?

It seems like a valid question, simple enough, but I dare you to answer it for yourself.

I'm a mom, a wife, a writer, a sister, a daughter.
I am a lover, a fighter, a ray of sunshine, a blessing.
I am a builder, a giver, optimistic to a fault, an emotional train wreck.
I'm waiting for your face to express, "Aha! That's it!"
I like to give the right answers.
I like to be approved.
I do NOT like conflict, or uncomfortable situations.
I do NOT like things to be undone.
I do NOT like it when there is something wrecked and I can't do anything about it.
I will keep trying to fix it until my fingers bleed and my brain turns somersaults.
I'm a fixer. I get it from my dad. And my mom.
I'm a perfectionist, only I'm a free spirit too. With all these kids, God knew I needed to be both.

I had trouble answering this when asked. She waited, swaying side to side in her office chair.
No pressure, just waiting.
Who am I?
Who is Becca Sutton? Sounds like a character from a novel... (I've been told that before.)

I am a daughter of the King, His favorite, chosen for Him, gifted by Him.
I have a very specific mission here in these four walls, and I dream for the next.

It's a vulnerable question. Can I say all that without seeming completely vain? Am I really all those things that I think I am? Absolutely. I waffle in knowing who I am, not because of who I am, but because of what you will think of my perception. Funny story. Who I am is not defined by you, and then it is. It really is, Because part of who I am is defined by what you think of me. So think good thoughts, and send them my way! I need you behind me to soar!! And I will bring flight to your wings to soar with me. We need each other in the most unbelievable ways. God made us that way.

Connection. It's what we all need.



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