
Remember when your PE teacher would announce
"We're going to split up into two teams.
Shane, you're a captain, 
and Dean you're a captain."

My heart would sink every time. 
I was never chosen first. Or second. 
I was always left standing in the 
"who cares, what's your name? I guess I'll take you" group.

It sunk me deeper into that sense of not belonging.
I felt lost. 
I felt rejected. 
I felt like every insecurity that I had was on display for everyone to see.
It was a terrible feeling.

I was reading the verses of Psalms 139 this morning 
being soothed by the words of a loving Father 
that chose me.
He chose me.
He chose me for this.

...all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one began.
Ps. 139:16

There's so much peace in that, 
even though the storm rages on with no end in sight.
The God of the universe, 
created me to do something that 
only I can do
in this life.
And if it means I have to walk treacherous terrain to do it,
I'm in.
He chose me for it. It's what I was born to do. 
How can I not?

He makes beautiful things
He makes beautiful things out of the dust.*


Photo credit to
*Beautiful Things by Gungor


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