The thing about being right in the middle of what God wants you to do
And hearing His voice so clearly that you can't deny it
Is that it is as natural as breathing
or your heart beating
or folding laundry
or washing dishes.
You just do it.
You engage,
and He starts to function through you.
He says things in your words.
He does things with your physicality.
He moves through you and you don't even know He's doing it
except that you wouldn't have thought about doing something that you did
until it mattered to someone. Like in a big way.
And then you know. It wasn't you. It was Him.

There's this incredible
"soar on wings like eagles" feeling that comes with
abiding in Christ.
Because if you abide in Him, and He abides in you
there's oneness. It just happens. It's automatic.
There's symbiosis. It can't not happen when you are His
engaging in who He is and how He does things.

It's not earth shattering. Until it is.
But neither is sin. Until it is.
This morning I was reading a zoomed in account of what happened in the garden.

Adam and Eve were chosen to rule.
They were given dominion over the rest of creation.
They were given guardianship of the garden.
They had fellowship, intimacy, and audience with the King of the Universe.
And they
For one freaking bite.
Just a glimpse of greener grass.
Just a little taste of the glory.
It all went down the tubes in a flash.

I kept putting myself in their shoes, like, can one bite really be that big of a deal?
It's only a bite... just a little bite.

They "willfully abandon their principal duties as priestly vice regents."
"They neglect to guard the sanctity of the garden."
"They obey one of the to exercise authority over it...overturn the divinely instituted order... forfeit their position... and the authority delegated to them by God now passes to the serpent."
"They come under the power of death."
"They no longer enjoy an intimate relationship with God."

It was just a piece of fruit. How can eating something bring this much calamity?
Oh, dear one, but it does.
There's no dance with the devil that doesn't lend itself to consequences, no matter how insignificant the act may seem.
And here's proof.
Our history, our heritage, shows us that even a slight misstep can become a slippery slope in a moment. Before you know it, you'll lost your footing and you're headlong in a mess.

That's what He wants.
Be alert.
Stay awake.
Keep your eyes on Him.
This is a one moment at a time journey.
Keep your head in the game, and we'll get there together.


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