sky lights

The sky captured me today.
I've been busy, managing things and stuff and people and thangs
too busy to notice the incredible handiwork in the sky.

Not today...
today I saw it
It changed with my day. Each hour and new display of wonder.
Big, billowy clouds like giant hands with fingers.
A spectacular blue masterpiece with cotton balls spread in strands with no particular intention
Tiny wisps of light blue lined with pink reflections of the sunset.
My last trip across the city was mesmerizing.
Straight ahead of me in the shape of an eye there was a break in the clouds.
The rest of the sky was covered with all variations of clouds
except for the eye, as if it was a window to heaven.
My eyes filled with tears at the thought of God peering through the sky at me.
I'm so in love with Him.
Seriously in love.
I see His watchful eye everywhere I look and I'm comforted.
He notices everything I do. Every thought I think is familiar to Him.
Before the words are on my lips, He smiles, knowing what's coming.
I'm His. 
He is mine.
My heart is full.
I know who I am because of whose I am.



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