
A few months ago I got a text message asking if I would consider being a Small Group Leader in MOPs.

Funny story,

I had been feeling like I wanted to step into something new, and I had considered joining MOPs, but my fear of commitment held me back. And $45.
I thought about pursing a Sunday school class, but I was so in love with the one I was in, I couldn't bear the thought of leaving it.
This seemed perfect. Once a month. No prep work. Scholarships available.
Yes. Absolutely, I would!!

I didn't know how much hearing other people's stories would change me and inspire me and speak life into my troubled waters. I didn't realize that I would make friends and feel this intense joy about attending, so much so that I would show up dressed and ready a week early. It was a gift from God, this two hour session once a month with these precious girls that He chose for our group.

Enter, Brenne Brown.

She's a researcher. I'm not even sure what that means, but I connected with this woman within the first few minutes of her TED talk. She was real. Sincere. Genuine. Intense. Educated. She is the kind of woman that I would never think would be friends with me because I'm so, incredibly vulnerable, and she is so incredibly... not. (It surprises me that my dearest friends are just like her.)

The gist of her message was that whole-hearted people are willing to be vulnerable. The very amount of vulnerability that people delve into directly reflects the amount of courage they hold.

It was awe-inspiring. Check her out. You'll be so glad you did.


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