Merry Christmas EVE!!!

I'm not sure what happened this year. Last year we kicked off our celebrations as usual on the first of November and on December 26th when I took all the decorations down, I was ready. This year I am already sad that we're so close to the end. BUT, rather than mourn the loss of something not yet lost, I am choosing to rejoice in each moment until the end comes. Merry Christmas Eve to one and all! It's SNOWING!!!!! We woke up to a beautiful blanket of white, which is yet another answer to some diligent and persistent prayers of the Sutton children. He loves us so beautifully. I have a list of things I need to get done today, including fininshing three presents and making some stocking stuffers. Also I'll be doing some more Christmas baking as well as making cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning brunch. The big kids are sledding, the little ones are watching the Christmas movie marathon that is happening right now. Life is go...