A day in the life

7:30am    Painters arrive and have a party on the roof.

7:31am   All children 7 and under are up and at em, rarin' to go.

7:45am    I resign myself to the fact that I don't have time to make coffee, so I change diapers, dress little ones,  make breakfast, feed the baby, shower, iron, dump some cottage cheese in a container for lunch and round up my stuff.

8:45am    Kennedy and I race out the door to work.

9-11am    I find myself randomly giggling as I work.

11:30am   Dale texts me a message to say that the painters found a problem with our roof.

12:00pm   I fight the urge to laugh uncontrollably about a memory from our trip to West Plains back in March.

1:00pm    Anxiety begins to creep in, but slowly creeps out. This continues to happen all afternoon.

4:00pm    We head home, chatting happily all the way.

5:30pm    After a quick stop at QT, we drop the boys off at the church for the Royals game.

6:00pm    We drop the girls off in another state for a slumber party.

(At this point in real time I have a wave of anxiety just writing this out.)

6:45pm    After getting lost in the ghetto, I decide to forgo a trip to the unseen Aldi and go to Wal-Mart in the Legends. Unbeknownst to me, we have chosen ghetto Wal-Mart on Friday night.

7:53pm    I load the four children 7 and under in the truck praying that no one will assault me while my back is turned, and then put groceries in as quickly as possible paying no attention to what is piled on the eggs and bread for fear of the unseen attacker.

8:20pm    I heat up spaghetti-o's for the self-feeders and attempt to feed cereal to the screaming baby.

8:30pm    I turn on a movie, give candy bars to the self-feeders announcing the commencement of our fun girls night, bathe the baby, put him to bed and put away the thawing groceries.

9:30pm    The little ones go to bed. I fry up a buffalo burger for Dale to take for lunch.  Here is where I decide that I will not get on the treadmill.

9:45pm    Baeba arrives. I am giggly again.

10:40pm   I get a phone call from Micah that they will be arriving at the church in 15 minutes so I hop down on the floor to do plank, which I held for two full minutes.  Boom. And put a on over my inappropriate camisole, hoping no one will look at me.

11:00pm   I arrive at the church. 

11:20pm   The boys arrive at the church.  The new youth pastor, now back from his first youth group trip approaches my car looking exasperated, graciously explains to me that Tre threw up in the backseat. No worries.  He managed to catch it in a cup, but then he spilled it climbing out to dispose of it. (I can't help it.  I am laughing again.  I feel terrible, but I can't stop laughing.)

11:21pm   Before the words are out of his mouth, the sound of metal and glass hitting the ground catches our attention.  I look up to see Micah climbing out of the new youth pastor's shiny new SUV, stepping cautiously over the running board that's lying on the ground. He didn't even step on it, but it happened when he got out. It's off the car.  It's on the ground. (I am laughing out loud again. It's terrible.  I should offer to fix it.Or pay for it.  Maybe I'll make him some brownies.  I feel awful.)

11:26pm I laugh all the way home.



  1. I have to wonder if that new youth pastor wanted to hurt you for laughing...! Sounds so awful. There may not be a trip for another year! hahahahahah I would have been sick with tre if I dropped it!

  2. I didn't laugh when I was talking to him! I apologized over and over! It was while I was writing this that I kept laughing!


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