
I don't think I can do it today. 

 I feel mean.  I feel hostile.  Baby's crying. Dog's barking. TV's broke.  Bank account's broke. Everyone's mad at me.  It's 9:25 AM. Now there's some error message that keeps popping up at the top of the screen. I'm about ready to have a total freak out.

I don't even want to do it.  What I want to do is drop the blinds, put my earplugs in, and get back in my bed.  I want to stay there alllllll day.  But I can't.  I have all these kids and this insurmountable mountain of responsibility to tackle today. 

There is a big pile of laundry on the living room floor... all mine.  I have to deal with it before anything else.

Its a really good thing I don't drink because I have the potential to be a serious drinker. It's just in me, waiting for me to cross that line. I know that because when I feel like this, I think about mixing up a cocktail.  These women on TV that start the day with a cocktail, I get it.  That tells me that I am fully capable of being that girl, except for grace. God help me... I'm weak.

The Baptist church is starting Celebrate Recovery in a few weeks, so they are doing a series to prepare the church for the influx of souls that will seek refuge in our church.  So the preachers asks, "What are you recovering from?" At first I thought, "These poor drug addicts, meth addicts, alcoholics.  They have such screwed up lives.  Only God can help them.  I should do something to help."

The more he talked, the more I looked at my own screwed up mess.  It looks good from the outside, people.  It really does.  I wish you could've seen my hair yesterday.  It looked so good!  But I am a mess.  I have problems, and I try to cover them with my great big optimism and faith.  I heard someone on the radio talking about nurturing the inward beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, and I got tears in my eyes.  I am so far from that... so, so far.  (But the hair counts for something, right?)

He says, "The first step in AA is to admit that you can't control whatever it is."

I wrote on my paper, "Money.  Food,  Anger." 

I can't control our money.  I can't control what I eat.  I can't control this wave of insane anger that takes over me. 

There. I admitted it.  Now what?  Do I need to go to Celebrate Recovery?  I'm thinking about it.  If only I had an extra couple of hours each week to go to the meetings.  If I thought it would make a difference, I'd really go.  But I don't believe it would help me.  Some help I'll be for the poor souls that really believe in it. 

What's wrong with me...?

I am overwhelmed. I need help.  I need God to help me. 

I'm not sure I can do this today.



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