The Great Escape

I keep thinking about this past week.  I loved it.

I saw so many people from my old life... And I loved it.  I love them.

Sunday morning I was sitting in the foyer at my mom's church with Moses when a man walked in that I knew years ago.  I couldn't remember his name, but I knew him.  He didn't see me sitting just a few feet away from him.  He said, "I heard some of my girls were here for the Conley wedding.  I had to come over and see them."  I thought it was sweet and tried to think of who it might have been that he came to see.

He approached me after the service let out and gave me a big hug.  He said, "I heard you was here and had to come see ya." He said the same thing to my sister.  We were his girls!  He made a special trip over to see us! His name was gifted back to my memory, thank you, Lord, and I took the time to ask questions about his life and introduce my children.  I didn't know I mattered to Al, but I did.  I mattered enough to him that seeing my children brought tears to his eyes!  What a sweet, sweet blessing.

(These pictures are a little blurry... hmph.)
 It is so fun to hang out with childhood friends as adults because, frankly, no one ever grows up.  We all act like grown ups because we have to, but when you get right down to de neety grrreety (insert thick Spanish accent here) you find out that it's not just you.  We're all the same person we were in the second grade when we fought over Barbie dolls and felt jealous that Meredith and Abigail kicked us out of the friendship triangle.  We still think the same things are funny; they're even funnier when we say them together like we did in the old days.  We still get that twinge in our stomach when someone tells us we're pretty.  We want to stay up all night talking and giggling even though when morning comes we have grown up lives to live that require full attention.  We pose as grown-ups, but we're incognito.

I feel more like myself when I connect with people that have known me all my life.  I even feel like a better version of myself, coming home from seeing everyone.  I'm that same kid, only I have a little more experience, a little less insecurity, and the freedom to call the shots for me and my crew. I love my life.  I love Jesus more deeply than I ever did before, even though I am a failure in so many ways. I married the right guy. I am surrounded by God's blessing in the form of children.  I have peace.  I have hope.  I hated for it to end, but I am happy to be home.

 Poor Scarlette followed me around the reception until her little legs wouldn't carry her any longer. Sarah graciously offered me Piper's stroller.  It wasn't five minutes before she crashed!

 This photo is terrible, but it may be the only on of me so I wanted to show you how I spent most of the evening with Moses strapped on and his blanky in tow. I wish you could see the girls' hair.  I did a basket weave for all three of them.  I could've kicked myself for not allowing time to do all the cousins the same way!  If I hadn't been in the wedding I would have sacrificed my hair and make-up to fix them all up.  But I love Nicole too much to show up looking haggard...

Sista... I love this photo.  She was breaking it down on the dance floor with a Diet Coke in one hand and a sippy cup in the other!!  I mean, seriously, she is kickin' it mommy style!  Hahahhaa!!!

 Here is my beautiful sister-in-law chatting it up with my beautiful daughter. Hey!  There I am in the background!  I am talking to my mom and dad and Deisha is there beside me.  Love it!

fHere are a few shots of our party corner!

Cool kids table...

 My parents are there on the left, and our long time family friends, Bert and Dallas, are there beside them.  I love these four people more than I can express with words.  Seeing them all at the same time makes me so happy.
 Jon and Cara... Cara's so tiny you can just barely see her!
Go to parties with these two.  They are a blast!!!
Just looking at them, you'd never know they are both cancer survivors. 
They are living life to the max!
Sistaaaaaaa!!! What, whaaaattt!

I have been debating about attending a few reunions coming up.  I'll have a 20 year class reunion next year... is that possible?  How old am I?  WEIRD! I never even considered going, but I am thinking about doing it.  Last I heard I was still a missing Spartan.  I better sign up somewhere so I can get an invitation when the time comes!

Happy Monday!



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