
My closest cousin had a terrible calamity in his family this week.

He had to let his beautiful son go into the precious arms of Jesus, only two hours after his birth. 

We are so, so sad for the whole family.  I am sick for them.  I cannot imagine what must be going on in their minds.

Ashton was very sick in utero with cystic kidney disease, but we were all praying and holding out hope for a miracle.  For whatever reason, his miracle came on the other side of this life.


I bathed Moses and my little girls and washed my hair tonight to cut some of the mad-dash chaos down in the morning. As I was thinking about what I would wear tomorrow, I thought about my cousin's wife. She's beautiful and strong.  I wonder how she is functioning right now, days after childbirth, preparing for the funeral.  The hormones alone... I am praying for her over and over and over again. It's breaking my heart.

These two have taken hits for the past year, one thing after the next.  I have watched them pick up the pieces and move on repeatedly trusting the Lord to lead.  It's terrible to witness.  I have been in that dark and lonely valley.  I was there for a long time.  It's harder than it seems.

Please pray for them.  It sounds cliché, but Jesus is more tangible in the darkness than any other time.  He is bigger and stronger and more powerful when we are small and weak and helpless.  Pray that they do not lose heart.  He will heal the broken places, but the healing hurts.



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