This morning Dale asked me what I planned to do today. I said, "On the days that I do make plans, things go wrong. When I don't plan anything, I accomplish absolutely nothing. I'm not sure yet."

At noon, I realized that I had not made a plan yet, nor had I accomplished anything. Bare with me as I recount my non-eventful day.

9am Take big kids to volunteer at the thrift store, take little ones to the YMCA, and workout

11:00 Make lunch for Dale and little ones, iron, and feed baby

12:00 Pick up kids from thrift store

2:00 Walk the pet sitters through the necessary care while we are gone

3:00 Pay bills, look at Pinterest for Co-op class ideas

5:00 Take Kennedy to drop off the bearded dragon to his sitter

6:30 Bathe tortoise, clean up house

7:30 Put baby to bed, pack myself  and the little ones, put little ones to bed

8:30 Put topper on truck for the trip

9:30 Make Dale a lunch because Jas made pancakes for dinner for the kiddos. Delicious pancakes that I didn't get more than a few bites of.

10pm Iron and continue packing

10:20 Watch TV with Dale and catch up on Facebook

Midnight, here I am! I know it's petty to write it all out, but it helps me to see that I didn't just blow through this day. In between there was a lot of cleaning, laundry, deliberating fights, and laughing.

I'm tired. I want to go to bed. But I love sitting here next to Dale while he reads. I have a big day tomorrow, working then travelling to my mom's house. After the hard part a sort of vacation will be mine. I can sit here with him for a little while longer.



  1. Tell me about the thrift store volunteering..I got the snacks ready for the trip! Time to pack!!!! See you soon, sista!

  2. The kids are volunteering at the thrift store in town. They sort things and help organize things. The store benefits the homeless shelter in town, so I love the charity work!


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