Summer, summer, summertime... time to sit back and unwind...

This is what it looks like around here sometimes.  I love the view from the other end of the table. Dale is studying, Kennedy is pinning, Jasmine is emailing, and Tre is drawing. Micah is avoiding having his cute mug on my blog. Usually I sit right there where Tre is, but I've relocated to the other end so the high chair won't block the isle.  Have you seen Dale recently?  He gets better looking every time I look at him.  I love that guy.

We have not seen this movie yet, but the cutout was at the theater last week when we saw Despicable Me 2, and I couldn't resist.  That's Deisha in the first picture.
Leila wanted all three little girls to be matching, but only Deisha obliged.  At any rate, they looked really cute, and really similar! Scarlette was not sure what was going on here.  She had several meltdowns before she stuck her face through the box.  Love it!

 We had movie passes to a theater in Liberty.  It would be outrageous for us to be in Liberty without making a trip down the road to Savers, the giant thrift emporium.  The girls found a nice workspace while I dug through the craft stuff looking for ideas for my art class next year. It was hard not to buy all of these little work stations.  They look so content under that table.
 Jasmine is shown here displaying her delicious ice cream cone next to her pretty, sculpted nails. She really does have pretty hands.  She should consider hand modeling!

 Moses looooves ice cream!  He kept grunting and flailing his arms for more and more of my ice cream cone.  This kid is a heartbreaker!  I just want to kiss his little bald head right now!  I mean, he is perfectly irresistible here, but when he smiles, I just go all to pieces!! He's such a little blessing!

Dana and Lonnie have been making the trip up here once a week, so since it was so hot this week we met at DQ. The boys were too cold inside under the vent; you can see Tre through the window behind Dana.  They stayed outside while we occupied the corner booth.
Leila is never dramatic.  Not now, not here, not ever.  Except when she is very dramatic, which is becoming more and more often.  I have no idea where she gets it. She makes me laugh!

Happy summer days to you, my friends!!



  1. Fun times! I love Dairy Queen. Someone needs to snap a photo of you too! Did you find any bargains at Savers? I miss that place:( There is a Plato's Closet here, but it is pricey.


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