And a new chapter begins

I'm super excited about Dale starting school next month! 

He got books in the mail this week.  I love to walk into a room and see him in the zone with his head in another world.  Today we all sat around the dining room table after dinner while he studied.  The little ones colored and clipped coupons with me, the big kids did their own thing with their devices.  It was kind'a great!

It's amazing to me how different he is already.  He's focused.  He's determined.  He's awesome! 

I walked through the kitchen last night after it was all cleaned up and had one of those moments.  You know the moments when you see a snapshot of your life, and you realize how good you have it? 

He is in pursuit of the impossible dream.  I mean, seriously, eight kids, a high stress job, a high maintenance wife; who would take on a PhD? 

I am excited for him to see it all come to fruition.  He's made my dreams come true, I look forward to doing everything I can to help him.

Happy summer days, my sweet friends!!



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