Our Week in Emporia

 My dress had pockets that made me feel like a JC Penny's catalog model.  T.R.'s trouser pockets had the same effect.  Here's what's funny.  Moses is in my arms.  It's so natural for me to have a baby in my arms that I didn't even realize he was in this photo until someone mentioned it on Facebook.  He's on my left arm, see his little forehead?? Also, please notice that T.R. is carrying my purse.  Hahaha.  It makes me laugh every time I look at it!
 My mother is kind of amazing.  She is working harder this year at school than she has in many years as a teacher.  Her life has changed completely, and yet she made sure to put a baby or a child in her immediate vicinity as soon as she walked in the door every day.  I love her.  She is my role model.  And still so lovely after all these years...
 Clearly these two come from her gene pool, looking so beautiful and holding a sweet baby!
Sista and I had fun, loads and loads of fun, this weekend.  I think we were breaking down with some MC Hammer in this shot.  Is Piper flying behind me?  Awesome!
Keegan starred in a movie Micah shot in the backyard as the crazy rabbit.  You can view it on YouTube, if you are interested.  It's called Life of the Loft, I think.  Micah's channel is Mookstein. He's a creative genius.
We were so happy to be able to be able to celebrate this guy's birthday with Nana and Papa.  He gets so pumped about celebrating every year.  Just moments ago I was sending out last minute invites to his big party this week!  I hope the house is brimming with people and laughter and presents in honor of Trebo's 11th birthday!  Yay!

May all your dreams for today come true, sweet friends!



  1. I didn't notice tr was carrying the purse!!! I love this picture! Becca, this pix of you is gorgeous! Seriously, you look amazing. Fun times!

  2. You are too generous with your flattery! I miss you so much!!


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