Pre-party Clean Up

Tomorrow is Tre's 11th birthday.  Sweet boy is so excited... he lives for this day.  Dale and I were talking the other night, and I got busy inviting as many people as possible.  He was counting up how many he thought would be here.  18.  Imagine his surprise when twice that many show up tomorrow!  Woohoo!

Needless to say, I got on the ball today and started cleaning. 

My house is usually picked up- I should say the main floor and basement are usually picked up.  The second level is usually not picked up.  It is usually a wreck.  **Please let me know if you are stopping by and planning to make a trek up the stairs.  I need at least a two-hour warning.

This time I didn't even touch the second level, I spent three hours on the main floor.

I don't clean house regularly.  I wish I did.  I want to.  I am good at cleaning and organizing... just not at my house.  :(  My kids do what needs to be done the way kids do.  I hit and miss on everything else. Some of them are thorough, most of them are not.  It is enough for me most days.  The goal is to have them do the grunt work, and then I try to go back over the work and pick up the details. It's that last bit that is difficult for me.

I dusted, cleaned windows, cleared off shelves, scrubbed walls, steamed stains off the carpet.  I got through two rooms and a hall.  The kitchen will be trashed after the party, there's no reason to spend all day scrubbing floors in there. I have limited time, and I will be more calm sitting in the living room with our company if I can't see dust or fingerprints everywhere I look.

I enjoy cleaning.  I really do.  The problem I run into is that I have children.  They need my attention at irregular intervals.  I am on-call 24/7.  Nap time would be a breeze if I could count on two solid hours of uninterrupted labor, but there are no guarantees in my life.  Not. Any. The other thing is, I decide to clean out a closet so I can use the space in there for storage.  I empty the closet and have all this stuff that needs a home.  Both options for alternate storage are full of stuff that needs to be sorted or tossed or stored in the other alternate storage area.  In order to get it done I need to go and clean out that area.  It's six hours of work in order to complete the one hour of work that I intended to do.  Ugh.  All along I am getting a drink, a pair of socks, finding a missing flip flop, feeding the baby, changing a diaper, cleaning up a spill.  Yeow!!  The lists... the lists!  They run through my mind like the ticker on Fox News.

In other news, my anxiety is at bay for the time being, thank You, Lord!  That, in itself, makes all of this more manageable.  And I really like my kids. And I really like my husband.  Those things make all of this more fun, which really helps everything. 

Are you planking?  I have a before photo that I took with my midriff exposed.  I'd post it if I knew this was a girls only blog, but I can't risk it.  When you come over, I'll show you in real life!  You'll have to trust me when I say that PLANK WORKS!  I'm not skinny by any stretch, but I am seeing results.  Want a flatter stomach, tighter core muscles, stronger lower back, and better posture?  DO IT!!  It only takes a minute a day.  I have never been more convinced of a single results-guaranteed move.  This is the secret.  I plan to do it for the rest of my life!



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