Fourth of July 2013

We spent the Fourth of July in Richmond with the Suttons.  It couldn't have been a more perfect day to sit under a shade tree and drink sweet.
 That is exactly what we did for most of the day right here in this circle.
When we lived in California, I was telling a neighbor how excited I was to be moving back to Missouri, as if anywhere but the Sunshine State were inferior.
 I said, "Because in Missouri, we sit outside and drink sweet tea in the evenings.  It's the good life!"
 She looked at me like I had lobsters crawling on my face.
 I wouldn't trade this for life in California for million bucks.  Unless I could get a promise that we could move back in six months.  Then I'd take the mil. 
 Moses has had a rough couple of days.  He's still not himself.  Three days of fever and fussing and incessant drooling has me convinced that those top teeth are coming.  I hope that's all it is...
 Grandma and Grandpa Welker stayed and stayed right here in this spot.  I am so thankful for the cool breeze and the shade that kept them comfortable for so long.  It was a blessing for them to be surrounded by family!
 There was food.
 There were fireworks.
 There was swimming.
And there was a dog.
It was a great 4th of July!  One for the books.  That's what they say, ya' know. One for the books.


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