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So here's what's on my mind.

This day was crazy. My crazy days used to be few and far between.  They are coming more and more often.  It's no bueno. I had a wise friend that told me she made plans for the day in three segments: morning, afternoon, evening.  She preferred to not fill more than one segment in a day, and never made plans in two sections together if she had to fill two.  For example, if she had story time in the morning, and Awanas in the evening, nothing was scheduled in the afternoon segment of the day. I have thought of this over and over.  Some days I have no choice in the schedule, but other times, my poor planning makes for a very high stress day.  I would like to incorporate this simple scheduling technique.

On frugality, I have been using reusable wipes.  My sister gave me a set of 10 that she bought from a friend, the rest are made from baby washcloths and cut up microfiber rags that don't clean windows anymore.  I thought it would be as difficult as using cloth diapers, but it's pretty simple actually.  I keep a plastic bag with the wipe box which is where soiled cloths go.  At the end of the day, I run a load of laundry in hot water and toss them in.  In the morning I mix up some baby soap, some baby lotion, a squirt of baby oil and a lot of water and pour it over the clean wipes.  It helps me to get a load of laundry done and folded every day: practical accountability.  I've only been using them for a week, but so far I really like them!  If you want to make yourself some, the ones we like the best are double thickness flannel that is simply zigzagged together.  Cut them about the same size as standard disposable wipes.

On plank, are you doing it?  I am literally watching my waist shrink after just a few days!  I have been cutting back on calories and walking every day, too, but in the past, my stomach was the last thing to go in the weight loss journey.  Not this time, sister!

Regarding my anxiety level, I have to tell you, right now it is at threat level orange.  My chest is tight.  My breaths are short and shallow.  I've had a pseudo-migraine all day.  I feel emotionally stable, but I am on edge.  I like it better when I feel on the edge of crying.  This kind of edgy makes me irritable and insensitive. I keep picking fights with Dale. It was suggested that it is very likely hormonal.  It's true that it takes at least a year to get back to normal after pregnancy.  I have read that it takes 18 months to fully recover in every aspect.  I remember that because I used to use it as an excuse as to why I hadn't lost all my baby weight! HAHA!  But as far as hormone levels and organ placement all returning to normal, 18 months.  Hmph.  I might have an ulcer by then, or a heart attack.  What would you recommend?  I'm not sure I can cut anything at this point.  I can take more naps though, and  maybe that's what I need.  That really seems to help.

In other news, we are making progress on our summer to-do list!  Today we went to QT and I bought slushies for the whole crew.  I did something that counts today.  That's the goal.

Happy days, my sweet friends!



  1. Napping is key! Rest, relax in a hot bath! A good book and iced tea for mommy time! Retail therapy! Trip to Indiana.....:)


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