La vida domestica

This afternoon I found my necklace dangling in the peanut butter jar.

Seriously? In the jar?  Come on! 

What could I do?  I knew the culprit was either five or two (years old).  Yelling would only cause trauma to their little psyches, and for what?  A dumb necklace that someone gave me instead of tossing it in a donation bag?  Not today.

It was a busy day, see.  We scrambled through the morning to get dressed for sweet Ashton's memorial service, in between Dale going to the Y, and the painters coming to prep for next week's paint job. Moses was super fussy and a little feverish, but it seems like someone is feverish everyday around here so I didn't think much of it.  He napped through breakfast, so I gave him another bottle on the way to the cemetery.  Jasmine held him while I got situated with the baby sling and just as I reached for him, he threw up.  It wasn't spit up, it was projectile vomit.  Poor dude... poor Jas.  He got us both, but I didn't agonize over my outfit this morning like she did.  I stripped his shorts off, scrubbed his shirt with wipes and we headed over to the gravesite. 

On the way, he lost it again.  This time it went all over his shirt and down my leg.  Third time he totaled his blanket, and boom.  He was down to a diaper and no blanky, and I was pukey from top to bottom.  I didn't care.  There was way too much going on for me to stress over clothes. I did feel sorry for my little dude... he was so fussy, and it was pretty hot in the sun.

The service was peaceful, but painful.  This little life left a big hole.  The only hope comes with knowing that he is with Jesus.  I'm a tiny bit envious... He is there in heaven right now!

We had lunch after the service in KC. By the time we got home, I was wiped out.  I climbed in bed to snuggle Moses, but it was a long time before I drifted off.  He fussed and wiggled and finally went to sleep in his own bed.  Dinner rolled around pretty quickly so I told the kids to make sandwiches since we ate a late lunch at the restaurant. 

This is how my necklace ended up in the peanut butter jar.  I was comatose in my room while Deisha, I am guessing, made herself a sandwich.  The necklace must have been hanging in her way, so she hung it close by, on the jar. Ha! 

Mostly I am grateful that I didn't have to make dinner or clean it up.  As a matter of fact, when Dale got home, he fried bacon and eggs for both of us!  ...sweet boy.  I love him... 

I think Moses is trying to cut that top tooth again.  There is a bump on his gums that is a new development.  His fever dropped off by early afternoon, so hopefully he will be up to par for tomorrow's festivities! 

In case I don't make it back here, Happy 4th of July, my sweet friends!  I just adore you!  Thank the Lord for our Independence as you blow things up tomorrow!!



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